Tom Leary: Briefly in Seoul, 1953
Not sure how my name got on this list because my connection with Korea was tenuous. I did serve on a carrier with the Seventh Fleet in Korean waters in late 1953 and early 1954, but was ashore in Korea for only about a week in that time. I did have one odd, Princeton-related experience. After a week of meetings in Seoul between army and navy intelligence offficers, I had to get back to my ship. They flew us on and off our carriers in old TBMs, converted to carry a few passengers. For reasons I cannot remember, my hop back left from a small satellite airfield, seemingly out in the middle of nowhere. The waiting area was a small Quonset hut with a few benches. When I stepped through the door, the first person I saw -- in army uniform -- was our classmate George Dean (who has been the president of my old eating club)! Even after 51 years, I'll never forget the startled expression on his face.
Tom Leary '52
Tom Leary '52
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