Monday, January 10, 2005

Fred Lawrence '53: At the Rhee Reception

Dear George; I was at the Princeton reception in Seoul in 1954. I remember seeing, Barry there. As I recall, we received orders to report through regular channels..our presence was required not requested. I was stationed near Chunchon with an eight inch howitzer battalion. I was told pick up Jay Master '52 on the way. I recall that initially, we were greeted in a large auditorium and President Rhee was on the stage. He was a grad student in the early 1900's I believe. I also remember the the singing of Old Nassau was led by Russ Forgan '52. President Rhee spoke as did Gen. Maxwell Taylor. The event was well attended and very interesting. I may somewhere have the program tucked away..if you like I can look for it. Another member of '52, Walt O'Leary was also there. I'd be interested to know whatever you do discover. It was a really unique event. Thanks for contacting me.
Fred Lawrence '53