Friday, January 28, 2005

Eric Merrifield, MD '52: Rhee's Doctor, 1959-60

George: I was President Rhee's Physician for approximately 9 months in 1959-1960. He did not like/trust Korean doctors, at least that was what I was told. I had my own jeep in which I travelled to his palace {?Kyung MuDai} twice a week to see and examine the President. When I arrived on the grounds, they would take and examine my medical bag. What they didn't know was that the pharmacist was a Korean National and a really nice man-also very competent. The President was at Princeton to obtain his PhD when my father was an undergraduate and I had heard my Dad talk about faculty. Rhee and I had a good time talking about the faculty. Dad was '13 at PU. The only anecdote I recall was his story about riding a bicycle to Lawrenceville to get a milk-shake. The wind was in his face on the way over, and after he had finished the milk-shake the wind had shifted around and he had to fight it going back to Princeton. It must have been a strong wind because he remembered it very clearly. As his physician I attended his 85th birthday in Seoul and travelled with him to Chinhae, his "Camp David". He and Madam Rhee gave me gifts on holidays {Pusan plates, screens, and bowls} all of which I still have. received a medal from him-"Order of Military Merit Choongmoo with Silver Star". Finally, Madam Rhee called me at the 548th General Dispensary one afternoon and asked me if I could come to their home near the East Gate of Seoul and please bring along the necessary material with which to vaccinate them. They left the next morning fo Hawaii which is where I believe he died. This is not much that will help people today but it is whatI recall-now 45 years ago. Best to you.
Eric Merrifield, MD '52

[Below is follow-up received on February 4]

> George:Your assumption was correct in that I was a member of the United
> States Army Medical Corps,stationed in Seoul.When I arrived on the scene
> apparently I had had more training than some of the other Docs so they
> asked me to do iti.e.take care of the President.I was stationed in a MASH
> Hospital north of Seoul in the 1st Corps area. That was for a short time and I
> returned to Seoul to continue caring for Dr. Rhee. Let me know if I can be
> of further assistance. Eric
> From: George Corser[]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 6:55 PM
> To: Eric Merrifield, MD
> Subject: Re: Princeton in Korea
> Dear Dr. Merrifield '52,
> Thank you for your remarkable account of your experience in Korea. It is
> exceptional indeed. How is it that you became Rhee's physician? I assume
> you were in the military, because you had a jeep, but there must have been
> other doctors there. I know this because I used to watch M*A*S*H a lot. ;)
> George Corser '85